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Neda Oromchian is a visionary artist and has practiced for 30 years in the field of a Pediatric Dentistry in San Ramon, CA.

She is known for her unique style of painting as well as spiritual art.  She has a passion for children’s well being and is known for uplifting their spirit.

Since she was a child, she was deeply connected to her visionary dreams and spiritual messages. She started painting and illustrating her vivid dreams on canvas. Ultimately, painting became her overpowering passion. For the past 8 years, she has been painting her dreams and meditation messages, and by doing so, she gives them a sense of life once they are captured. After her sudden illness and being able to work and, her  father’s death, she had a burning desire to know her higher self to come out of the trauma that she was in. She  then earned a Master’s Certificate in Intuition Medicine™ at the Academy of Intuition Medicine in Sausalito, CA and, followed up with Foundation for Shamanic Studies and the New Age practice of "Core Shamanism and excelled in her training for last 3 years. 

Her deepest desire and passion of dreams took her on the road to Shamanism and, Energy Healing. Her gifts to her community is her intuitive ability to work with her clients through ancient ways of wisdom and meditation. She incorporates many other forms of modalities when working with her clients for self care and healing.

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    languages spoken:

English, French, Farsi

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